
Caroskin NV operates according to the principles of ISO13485 and is passionately committed to care, offering a range of six different groups, each incorporating the term 'caro' in our brand. These groups cover various aspects of care:

  1. Caroscar: Products for post-treatment burns and scars.
  2. Carolym: Products for lymph care.
  3. Caroveno: Compression garments addressing venous problems.
  4. Caropos: Garments aiding in body alignment and muscle activation for conditions like cerebral palsy (CP), multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke, and other neurological conditions.
  5. Caroray: Products, including unilateral bras, worn during breast radiotherapy.
  6. Carostomy: Ostomy belts for additional support.

Our rich history involves producing top-quality support bandages for leading companies such as Damart and Sloan.
Currently, our expertise lies in crafting made-to-measure silicone garments, made-to-measure pressure garments (specifically burn garments), and high-quality silicone sheets.

Headquartered in Nazareth, near Ghent, our manufacturing department is integrated into our facilities.
For inquiries about our company, please feel free to contact us.

Research and Innovation
With over 50 years of experience in manufacturing made-to-measure pressure garments, Caroskin boasts a team of creative and flexible individuals ready to tackle challenges and deliver robust results.

As an innovative company, Caroskin maintains strong connections with leading figures in various medical fields, collaborating effectively with university clinics in Belgium and neighboring countries.

Our commitment to research and innovation is demonstrated by ongoing collaborations with different university clinics and experts in the medical field. Caroskin conducts multiple research projects to explore new applications in addressing different pathologies within the medical world.

Caroskin aims to continue providing innovative solutions to unresolved medical problems.

About Caroskin

  1. Caroskin Burn & Scar Care: a high quality range uniquely for professionals that hosts a unique combination of custom made compression garments, silicone garments, silicone sheets to be used for post burn/trauma related patients. 
  2. Caroskin Oedema Care: hosts a high quality range of Oedema reducing garments and also includes the unique Caroskin SilWrap - a unique product that consists of 3 products with a main focus on getting the lymph patient back into its original stocking! 



Caroskin nv
's Gravenstraat 197 / Unit 28
9810 Nazareth (Belgium)

+32 (0)9 386 15 11
VAT BE 0401 049 864


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